Elementary School FAQs

Find answers to the most common inquiries about our Catholic elementary schools. If you don't find the answers you're looking for, please feel free to contact us or reach out directly to the school of your choice. We are always here to help you navigate your journey with us.

Whom Do Parents Call for Further Information?

Parents should call the elementary school principal. For more general information, please call (502)-634-1315.

What Makes Catholic Schools Distinctive?

Catholic schools provide an excellent academic curriculum and a faith-based environment. Christ-centered values are emphasized as schools focus on the development of the whole child within the context of a caring community. School programs address the spiritual, academic, social, physical and emotional needs of children.

What Ages Are Served by Catholic Elementary Schools?

Thirty-five Catholic elementary schools serve students in grades K-8; four schools serve children in grades K-12. Most of these schools also have preschool programs. Many preschool programs accept 3-and-4-year old children and a few accept 4-year old children for Pre-K programs. Please see individual schools for information.

What Is the Approximate Total Enrollment?

More than 13,100 students attend 39 elementary schools in the Archdiocese of Louisville. Enrollment can range from 100 to 800 per school. Check with individual schools for specific enrollment figures.

Is Transportation Available?

Some Catholic elementary schools offer fee-based bus transportation to students and families. Please check with individual Catholic schools about bus service availability. All schools will assist parents in establishing and organizing carpools or identifying other families that can assist with transportation.

Is After-School Care Available?

Most schools either have after-school care programs or have arrangements with other care providers for after-school care. Check with your school about the services available. In addition, many Catholic elementary schools have preschool services for 3- and 4-year-old children. See individual schools for information about the preschool, after-school, and daycare services available.

What Are the Requirements for Admission?

For initial admission, children must be five years of age before August 1 of the current school year to enter kindergarten. To enter first grade, children must be six years of age before August 1 of the current year and must have attended a certified kindergarten.

All children must have up-to-date immunizations, and all are required to have a physical examination. An eye exam is required for students aged 3 through 6 upon their initial admission to school.

Individual schools may have more specific and detailed admission requirements, including pre-kindergarten testing. Please contact the school for specific information.

When Should Families Apply for Admission?

Families new to the school should apply for admission in the fall, especially if the family is seeking tuition assistance. Most schools have registration for existing school families in January and February. Each school sets its own admission policies and dates for pre-registration and registration.

Are There Particular Documents Needed for Registration?

For initial admission, the documents needed include birth and baptismal certificates (if applicable), current immunization certificates, and physical examination and eye examination results (for students ages 3-6). Students who are currently enrolled in grades K-8 in other schools will need to present copies of academic/permanent records.

What Are the Admission Policies for Catholic Schools?

Schools set their own enrollment policies.

The Archdiocese suggests the following for admission priorities for elementary schools:

  1. Children of active parishioners:
  1. Children from parish families with children already enrolled.
  2. Oldest child just reaching school age.
  3. Children of new parishioners who are transferring from a Catholic school or children of new parishioners from an area where a Catholic school was not available but the children participated fully in the religious education programs offered.
  1. Children from non-parish families with students already enrolled.
  2. Other Catholic children.
  3. Non-Catholic children.
Are Persons from Other Faith Traditions Welcome at Catholic Schools? Do Students from Other Faith Traditions Participate in Religion Classes?

Approximately 25% of students in Catholic elementary schools are members of other faith traditions. All students take religious classes, and programs are built upon a shared sense of faith and respect for the unique contribution of each student.

What Is the Philosophy of Learning?

Each school has its own specific statement of philosophy. The archdiocesan mission and vision statements for Catholic schools are:


The Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Louisville exist to serve and engage young people in response to the call of Jesus Christ to “teach all nations.” In partnership with families and parishes, we seek to form our students, and through them, transform our world in light of the Gospel message. Our diverse community of schools, each with its own unique history, spirit, and tradition, prepared our graduates to live their faith as maturing adults and provide Christian leadership for Church and society.


As stewards of Catholic education, our community of schools leads the way to a just and life-giving future without limits.  Through collaboration, our faith and learning communities empower each other to learn our Catholic teachings, achieve academic excellence, embrace diversity, accept challenges, take risks, and seek God’s image in self and others.  We are called to transform ourselves, one another, and the world through the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this complex time of rapid change.

What Is a Typical Class Size?

Class size will vary from school to school. The Archdiocese recommends the following class size limits:

  • Grades K-3 = 29
  • Grades 4-6 = 31
  • Grades 7-8 = 35

Local school boards may set different limits.

Teacher assistants are recommended when primary grades have more than 25 students.

What Is the Teacher-To-Student Ratio?

The ratio will vary from school to school. Please check with individual schools for specific teacher/student ratios.

What Curriculum is Offered at Catholic Elementary Schools?

Curriculum guides are available for all content areas. These are based on national and state standards and are updated on a regular cycle. The guides outline what students should know, understand and be able to do. They include the specific concepts and skills appropriate for each grade level. Performance standards detail the ways students will demonstrate their learning.

Students in Catholic schools study mathematics, reading and literature, science, social studies, religion, physical education, music and art. Many schools also offer a foreign language.

The complete Archdiocese of Louisville Curriculum Handbook can be found here.

How Are Teachers Prepared? What Is the Average Length of Service?

Teachers in Catholic schools have appropriate college degrees for the grade levels and subjects they teach. Three out of four teachers have advanced degrees. Teachers are certified by the state of Kentucky for the grade levels and subject areas that they teach.

Teaching experience will vary by school. Archdiocesan schools offer a variety of experience levels from teacher interns through veteran teachers.

What Types of Technology Are Used in Archdiocese of Louisville Schools?

Students in Archdiocese of Louisville Catholic Schools are truly 21st-century learners using the latest technologies to frame their learning and to cultivate critical and creative problem-solving skills. Covid-19 restrictions accelerated the move to one device per student and the need for students to have devices at home and school for collaborative learning. Teachers have integrated technology at an unprecedented rate to manage the needs of students while supporting a robust curriculum. The innovative use of technology extends learning beyond the classroom. Virtual reality and augmented reality transport students to ancient Rome or to the depths of the ocean allowing them to explore and experience the content more deeply. Other students visualize data by creating models or perform tasks by coding robots, while others practice fundamental skills through dance and activity using interactive floors. Archdiocese of Louisville students are actively engaged in authentic learning that integrates state-of-the-art technology with the best practices in teaching.

Do Catholic Schools Have Separate Classes for Children with Special Learning Needs?

Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Louisville use a model of inclusion for students with special learning needs. Students with mild to moderate learning disabilities are enrolled in regular classrooms. A special needs coordinator works closely with teachers and parents to identify strategies, modifications, and/or accommodations that can help a student with learning differences achieve success.

How Are Students' Academic Progress and Performance Assessed Through Standardized Testing?

Catholic elementary schools in the Archdiocese of Louisville administer the MAP (Measures of Academic Process) K-12 assessment from NWEA. Students in Grades K-2 will take the MAP Reading Fluency assessment to measure fluency, foundational skills, and comprehension. Students in Grades 3-7 will take the MAP Growth assessments in Reading, Math, and Language Usage each fall and spring. Please contact individual schools for detailed information about test scores.

Several Catholic elementary schools have been recognized as Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence by the U.S. Department of Education.

Catholic elementary schools also administer the Assessment of Catechesis Religious Education (ACRE) to students in grades 5 and 8. ACRE provides questions to assess faith knowledge and questions related to religious beliefs, attitudes, practices, and perceptions to assist in the evaluation of religious education programs in Catholic schools and parishes. Catholic elementary schools in the Archdiocese of Louisville consistently perform at the proficient level on this assessment.

How Are Students' Academic Progress and Performance Assessed in the Classroom?

Elementary school students are regularly assessed through a varied and balanced combination of practices. Assessment is designed to be a comprehensive analysis of student progress. Assessment in the Archdiocese of Louisville includes a balance of formative and summative assessment. In this way, students are assessed throughout the learning process (formative assessment) so that the results can be used to guide decisions regarding future instruction. Summative assessment takes place after instruction to determine if the anticipated learning has occurred. This type of assessment validates a student’s readiness to proceed. Summative assessment is evaluative in nature and provides the information needed to support grading.

How Can Parents Become Involved in Catholic Schools?

As the primary educators of their children, parents are welcome and encouraged to become involved in a variety of ways. Regular Parent-Teacher-Student (PTS) conferences are required to discuss students’ goals, academic achievement, and other school-related issues. There are many volunteer opportunities available in Catholic schools, including assisting in classrooms, tutoring students, leading enrichment programs, and helping in the school office. In addition, parents serve in vital leadership positions on Parent-Teacher Organizations (PTOs) and School Advisory Boards. Please contact individual schools for specific opportunities.

What Counseling and Support Services Are Available?

Almost all Catholic elementary schools have a counselor on staff who can provide assistance and referrals to students and families. Some schools and/or parishes also offer support groups on various topics for students and parents.

What Types of Extracurricular Activities Are Available?

Extracurricular opportunities will vary by school. Programs found in many of our schools include: Young Authors, Book Bee, Outstanding Catholic Reader, Quick Recall, Ecology Club, Junior Achievement, Great Books, Mathcounts, science fairs, academic fairs, scouts, sports, school newspapers and school broadcasts, student council, 4-H, Red Cross, etc.

What Athletic Programs Are Available?

At Catholic elementary schools, athletics are administered through the sponsoring parish(es) or school. In the case of parish-based schools, athletics are open to all active parishioners as well as students who attend the elementary school. Some parishes join with other parishes to sponsor athletic programs. Opportunities include volleyball, football, basketball, baseball, softball, track, soccer, and in some cases, tennis, cheerleading, golf, field hockey, swimming, and lacrosse. For more information about policies and schedules for Catholic athletics, please visit the Catholic School Athletic Association site at www.loucsaa.org.

Is There Financial Assistance Available?

The Catholic Education Foundation (CEF) offers financial assistance to families of elementary school students, and some parishes or schools offer additional assistance. Tuition assistance has expanded due to the Catholic school elementary plan; for more information see here. For all types of aid, families must apply for assistance for the next school year through FACTS by the end of November.  One application can be used for all the children in your family, even if they attend different schools. The application form is available beginning October 15 each year at www.ceflou.org. For more information, please call (502)-634-1315.

For parents with students in both elementary and high schools: The high schools may have a later due dates for the tuition assistance application.  However, if you have students in both elementary and high school, be sure to complete the application by the CEF due date above. This will ensure that the determination of need for your family is complete.

Are There Additional Costs Beyond Tuition?

Some schools charge a general fee for books, athletics, and other expenses at the time of registration, and some schools incorporate these fees into the overall tuition figure. Check with your school about how they handle fees. Before-and after-school care and bus fees are charged separately if your school offers these services. Parents also should budget for the cost of school uniforms. Many schools hold used uniform sales.

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