Elementary School Technology
Our elementary school students use Chromebooks, tablets, laptops, interactive whiteboards, and tablet computers, daily. Brands and types of technology vary from school to school. Philosophically, however, all schools in the Archdiocese of Louisville agree that using technology increases student learning. Many schools have one-to-one programs in certain grades, with the hope of expanding to more grades as finances allow. Some schools have moved to a paperless classroom environment where all assignments are submitted electronically. Google Drive allows students to produce collaborative work such as presentations or to develop class polls.
High School Technology
Technology permeates the high school environment in all Archdiocese of Louisville schools. All of our secondary schools are moving towards, or have accomplished, a one-to-one environment with equipment provided by the school or with equipment brought from home (BYOD) by the students. In these 1:1 environments students have the advantage of ubiquitous access to information in Learning Management Systems as well as on the World Wide Web. Students are positioned to manage data, prove hypotheses, and solve problems with the added advantage of being able to wirelessly share their work with their classmates to demonstrate their thinking. Interactive technologies allow students to take notes and physically manipulate, arrange, and rearrange objects for presentations and discussions. Teachers use the wireless devices to gather student responses to get immediate feedback from students regarding class information. Students utilize one-to-one world language systems as well as design and produce objects using 3D printers. Robots are a key component in programming classes as students learn to analyze problems and solve them using programming.